Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How Do You Protect Your Sermons? Pictures? Documents


Bishop Brown Here ....

Have your thought about how you would feel
if you LOST your sermon notes, research,
family pictures, or business files from your

Inline image 2

Well, when it happened to me I was HURT.
The loss felt PERSONAL!  I knew I should
have backed up my files, but ....

The rest is ... HISTORY!

A while back I emailed you and told you MY
. I wanted to make you aware
of the importance of backing up your personal
files and not relying on hard drives and gave
you some shocking statistics on drive failures.

I have partnered with JustCloud to offer all
my friends a free 14 day cloud backup trial (with
15MB of Free space). They also have great special
offers for after the trial for as little as $4.49/month
(billed for 2 years) - peace of mind for your files for
under $5/month!

A LOT of you took advantage of this special trial offer.
Several told me their system crashed right after  
their backup
(they were REAL happy)

Maybe you missed out! If you did, I  have decided to
email you the link again, for one final chance of setting
up your free trial account with JustCloud.

Get Your Free JustCloud Trial Account – (Exclusive)

Our whole lives are now stored on our hard drives,
our photos, files, music, videos and more so it’s now
more important than ever to be backing up.

JustCloud allows you to access your files from anywhere
at anytime so you are never without your files, even on
your internet enabled mobile devices and tablets.

I highly recommend that you take steps to back up your
computer and files today.




Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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