Monday, August 20, 2012

The Kindle Challenge Starts Today

I love a good challenge!

Ryan Deiss is going to be publishing 
a kindle book in real time and his goal 
is 10000 downloads and 500 real 
sales in the first thirty days.

You can follow along and watch 
the whole process live starting today.

The kindle market is awesome 
(Some of my students are doing 
really well in it) and I think this challenge 
is the perfect way for you to see if 
it's for you!

The Great Kindle Challenge

There are now more kindle books sold 
than real books and as an ebook publisher 
who had thought e-books had there day...
well I'm getting a bit misty eyed.

There is nothing like a real time over the 
shoulder challenge to see if this stuff 
really works.

Watch Ryan put his ebook where 
his mouth is!!

The Great Kindle Challenge


Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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PS If you're thinking "No fair, Ryan's 
just going to use one of his lists"...

It's a good point - I thought he might too!!!

Wait till you see what the market is and 
unless Ryan has been keeping a part of 
his life well hidden he certainly has no list 
in this niche!!!!

PPS Don't forget to pass this around 
and share it with your friends!


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