Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To Baptize More!


I saw this and thought it was a great idea

  • Schedule & promote more than one Baptism at a time

Let me explain: When you follow up with New Believers or other people who have indicated an interest in being baptized, you typically invite them to participate in your next upcoming baptism, right?

If your church is anything like mine, some people say yes and some say no. Conventionally, that means the yes's get baptized this time and the no's don't get contacted again until the next baptism date approaches.

By simply investing a few minutes in your next staff meeting to plan the next two baptisms, rather than just the next one, you can offer these people who say "no" another option...

"Sorry to hear that you can't participate in the baptism next Sunday... Can I sign you up for the next baptism on [insert date here]?"

Using this simple tactic at The Journey (the church I pastor), we often have several people signed up for the next baptism before we've even completed the one we're currently promoting.

By approaching the Baptism process systematically, The Journey has baptized over 1,300 people since we started in 2002 - go God!

Through my "Maximizing Baptism Seminar" resource, the process we've developed and honed over the years has helped hundreds of other churches baptize more people than ever before... and it can do the same for your church, too.


Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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