Sunday, September 2, 2012

Saints Don't Gamble

Amazon spends $201.90 each to manufacture a single Kindle Fire
It sells for $199 and soon $149.


Kindle Books!  Kindles come empty an fill them up and the new
one releases next week. That's why you need to be writing this weekend.

Here is how you could be a published author by Tuesday.

Here is the FREE "Weekend Warrior" workbook now:

You'll get the workbook PLUS 3 videos to keep you on task like a personal
trainer over the long weekend.

With this information and just a few hours... you'll be a published author!

Imagine how proud you'll be on Tuesday!

Talk Soon,

Bishop James I Feel God Brown

P.S. Do you know how much it costs to launch a physical book when your Kindle
book is successful?

It's less than you think... I'll fill you in tomorrow.

Right now, you need to get to writing.

Go get the weekend workbook:

Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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