Sunday, October 28, 2012

[ifeelgod] How to Put Christ Back in Your Christmas - FREE Workshop

 Good Morning Saints!


With Thanksgiving so close, I am suddenly reminded that Christmas isn't far off. So, I contacted a friend of mine to see if she would share ways she is putting Christ back into her Christmas celebration. 

Star Of BethlehemAbout 7 years ago, Kerry Beck, published her family Bible Study, Star of Bethlehem. It was a huge hit, so she continued to look for ways to change the focus of her family's Christmas celebration. In the process, she discovered some terrific ideas that you can use with your family. 

Kerry has agreed to give you (one of my valued subscribers) a free workshop 
"5 Clues to Putting Christ Back in Your Christmas". 

During the live workshop, she will show you some examples of commercialism in America's Christmas and then provide some REAL LIFE tips from families who have successfully overcome America's crass commercialism. 

You can receive a private invitation & be one of my special VIP guests on this free webinar.


5 Clues to Putting Christ Back in Your Christmas 
Tuesday, October 30 
9pm EST - 8pm CST - 7pm MST - 6pm PST

You'll need to register to save your spot and discover the Secrets Kerry recently discovered. We have 200 spots available and I'm sure they will fill up quickly.


I can't wait to meet you on Tuesday, as Kerry shares:

  • 4 tips of reaching outside your family during the Christmas season.
  • 3 steps to putting Christ and "His Story" back into your Christmas celebration!
  • the dangers of America's Christmas celebration
  • Christmas around the world activities & ideas
  • meaning of Christmas symbols
  • and as many other ideas as I can squeeze into 60 minutes.

See you Tuesday, October 30...

Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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 - Kingdom Ministry

ps. We spent so much time preparing this important information & tips about celebrating Christmas, we decided to include a study guide for those who register. Mark your calendar right now.

TUESDAY, OCT 30 and we will email the study guide to you.




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Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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