Friday, August 3, 2012

No Optin Required - Download Your GIFTs RE: Today is Linda's Birthday and ...

I don't know whether you saw this or not, but the response has been GREAT

So great that we are going to leave it up till Sunday at MIDNIGHT!


Dr. Jay,


It's Dr Jay Here Again ...

Today is my business partner's
wife's birthday! YEAH LINDA! 
But I want to give the gifts.

I set up something special
for my friends! The BEST
of the tools I use EVERYDAY for
internet marketing and ministry.

Most of them are FREE but a couple
ask you for $1. You pick and 

Don't let these get away TODAY!

You get direct access to the 
websites where you can get
these gifts.

Now, I did put a PAYPAL button 
on the webpage where you can
help Bishop buy a meal for 
his wife tonight.

But GIVING a gift is strictly
optional. THIS IS FOR YOU!

Ok, Here is the LINK:

Have a great day and let me
know what you think about
the gifts that I listed.

Remember - Show Up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
Dr. Jay Morris

Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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