Thursday, August 23, 2012

RESEND: Kindle Publishing - 2 Free PDF Reports - MY READERS ONLY!

Hi Gang,

Bishop Brown Here ...

I hope you read my email on yesterday!

Yesterday, I told you about Ryan Deiss 
doing a live
 Kindle Publishing Challenge.

For those of you who are more readers 
than watchers. Here's a
 PDF on the 
Kindle Game plan
 and opportunity.

But I have a EXTRA BONUS PDF as well!

Only for those who read my emails get 
the second
 BONUS ebook Passive Kindle Profits

2 PDF reports on Kindle Publishing

I think you are going to be impressed with both
books. I thought they were both

Grab both of them now while they are still available.

GET Passive Kindle Profits AND 
Kindle Publishing Revolution


Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown


PS - This stuff works, pure and simple, watch 
along and see Ryan do it live.


Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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