Monday, November 26, 2012

[ifeelgod] Just A Few Hours Left ....

Hey It's Bishop Brown here ....

I got in on this and wanted you to know
about it too.....

It ends in just a few hours so ACT NOW!

The Wacky Gals have done it again!
To add to the Cyber Monday craze, they have pulled yet
another site into the mix with now hundreds of products
at only $5...
But only through Cyber Monday!
Look and grab today, it's an opportunity for you to save 
BIG on a lot of great products.
Once Monday is gone, everything goes up or goes away.

Celebrating their 5 year anniversary, The Wacky Gals
have priced EVERYTHING on their original site PLUS their
second "weekend" site, all at only $5.
Use these special links to save BIG and grab some great

I've been given the opportunity to give you these links 
that allow you to buy ANYTHING on the site during this 
special 5 Year Anniversay special.

But don't procrastinate...
Some products will be archived and some will increase
in price.
Grab those that can help you in your own business and
development, teach you something you always wanted to 
know, ALL at a price you can't refuse. :)

Here's those special links again:

Everything is "as is" at this special price, but you'll
get your hands on some products that would have cost you
as much as $20-$25 more otherwise.
See you there...

Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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