Thursday, November 29, 2012

[ifeelgod] Last Minute Kindle Q&A -

Hey Guys,

As you know, my friend Ryan's "Number One Book System"
is closing SOON and all the last-minute folks are coming out
of the woodwork with questions.

Here is your FINAL link:

And here are the answers (in Ryan's voice) to some of
the biggest questions they've been getting:

Q. How do I format my Kindle books?
A. We show you three different ways inside our
system (the first two use FREE open source
software). After these lessons basic formatting
can be done in 15 minutes or less.

Q. What are the traffic costs to promote my books?
A. You can launch your book with 100% FREE
traffic but we usually spend between $50-$300 a
title (about the average first months' sales during
the launch) - after that Amazon's marketing takes
over... for FREE!

Q. Can I publish other people's books if I don't like to write?
A. That's my entire business model.  Inside the
training you'll learn 3 different models for finding
and contracting authors. It's pretty simple and there
are LOTS of them.

Q. Will your Kindle system work in other languages?
A. Yes, only WAY better. There is practically NO
competition for languages other than English even
though only 27% of the world actually speaks English.
We are looking for Spanish partners right now!

Okay - I'm back.

I hope this answers your most burning questions.

Remember, if you dilly-dally you will be shut out.

Join the Kindle Revolution now!

Click your FINAL CHANCE link below:

Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
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P.S. The Kindle community is over 4,200+ strong and growing...I'm there, come and find me :) 

Click the link below: 



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Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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