Saturday, March 23, 2013

The BIGGEST Traffic Strategy Mistake You Can Make (and What to Do Instead)

Hey Saints, 

Bishop I Feel God Here .....

When it comes to traffic generation, one of the
hottest and most talked about methods
is the all-mighty guest post.

See why it's a bankrupt model here

The concept itself seems simple enough:
-    Contact high traffic blogs and give them an article they can't resist
-    Ask them to publish your article with a link back to your site
-    Traffic comes swarming to your site as a result

Sounds glamorous, except there's ONE problem rarely (if ever) brings the MASSIVE
increase in traffic you expected to receive! 
Sorry, but if guest posting is your
"bread and butter"
of traffic generation, you're doing it all wrong.

Seriously - just sit back and think about all that time
you've invested, only to get a click
or two back to your blog. It's NOT worth your time. 
My friend Ryan Deiss realized the
same thing
when he first started tackling guest posts
...his results were absolutely terrible!

Get a copy of the report he wrote after flushing
thousands away on the wrong plan:

And believe me, he was doing everything the way
that it was "supposed to be done".
He was fed up,
and I don't blame him! All of that time and money
went straight down the drain.

That's when he got a wild idea...

He decided to turn the traditional "guest posting"
model upside down and test a new method,
and let me tell you, the results were GROUNDBREAKING!

Click Here to See the NEW Guest Blogging Method
That Caused a Traffic EXPLOSION

It's a revolutionary idea that challenges the original
"guest blogging" model,
completely turning it on its
head!  Just implement a few simple steps and you
will be blazing
your way on a path to becoming an
AUTHORITY in YOUR market. It really is that simple...

Get his "Free Traffic Loophole" Report Now,
while it's still free ......

Don't make the mistake of doing guest posting the
way you *think* it's supposed to be done,
you want to feel the heartache, frustration and
disappointment that comes with it.

Grab Your FREE Secret Traffic Method Here

Catch you on the inside, 


Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
Visit My Blog    -
 - Kingdom Ministry

P.S. Seriously.  Ryan is one of the smartest marketers I know,
so if HE couldn't get blogging the traditional
way to ROI,
nobody can.  His report is worth paying for, but fortunately
right now, you don't have to. 

Get it here: 









Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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