Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Mobile App for The Greenway Church - Order one this weekend

Dear Saints,

Bishop I Feel God Here ....

I just finished a mobile app for
The Greenway Church and
Pastor Myron Scott in Ft. Worth. 

Have you ever got into a rhythm
for something and wanted
to keep going? 

Well, I am going to do a just a few
of these this weekend and you can
get one if you contact me ASAP
and let me know you want it.

You can download and check out
The Greenway Church's new mobile
app here: 

You just download this link to your
mobile or tablet
(works on Android, IPhone or Windows Phones) 

I'm going to do just a few of these
this weekend! ( I have some tax returns
to finish too) Message me ASAP to
get one!

I will also do a Facebook Business Page
for your church, ministry or business
(If you already have one I will update it for you)


Remember - Show up - Be Awesome - Bless Others

In Him,
JMb <><
Bishop James I Feel God Brown

The Internets Favorite Pastor
Visit My Blog    - - Kingdom Ministry

p.s. This deal ABSOLUTELY ends when
we have 10 PROJECTS or on Monday @ Midnight!


Posted via email from Bishop's posterous

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